NYC Chiropractor Dr. Alicia Armitstead

NYC Chiropractor Dr. Alicia Armitstead. Holistic Chiropractor at the Healing Arts NYC Health and Wellness Center in Manhattan NY 10017

"Because chiropractic treatments are primarily applied to the spinal region, many individuals incorrectly assume that chiropractors treat only back and neck ailments. While we do quickly and effectively eliminate back and neck pain, it’s not the only goal. The objective is to restore and optimize human health."

-Dr. Alicia Armitstead

Holistic Chiropractor at the Healing Arts NYC Health and Wellness Center in Manhattan NY 10017 and Connecticut

What is Chiropractic Care?

The nervous system is the master controller of all living cells, tissues and organs; orchestrating and coordinating all cellular functions. The spinal column encases the nervous system (spinal cord and nerve roots) and is responsible for its protection.

Because of this intimate relationship, biomechanical and structural problems in the spinal column can irritate parts of the enclosed nervous system. This irritation can result from noxious inflammatory biochemicals released during tissue injury or may result from direct mechanical pressure. In either case, the functioning of the nervous system is negatively influenced as is the functioning of the cells, tissues and organs which are supplied by the affected nerve(s).

The resulting ailment(s) depends on the cells, tissues and organs affected as well as the extent of nervous system compromise. In short, because the body’s innate recuperative powers are affected by and integrated through the nervous system, correcting spinal abnormalities which irritate the nervous system can lead to a number of favorable results in patients suffering from various, seemingly non-spinal health conditions such as:

Adjustments of the Spine

Adjustments of the Spine

A spinal misalignment can cause an uneven gait, unexplained pain or stiffness, headaches, and other health concerns. Misalignments can begin in numerous ways. For example, the person may experience a fall, a vehicle accident, or pregnancy.

A sedentary lifestyle, extra weight, and some chronic health conditions can also increase the risk of misalignment. Spinal adjustments improve mobility and relieve pain. In addition, the improved circulation and release of tension in the muscles can help prevent recurring pain.



Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints caused by illness, injury, age, and the effects of other diseases. Different forms of arthritis exist. They can affect one body part or cause widespread joint pain and inflammation. Regardless of the type, people with arthritis will experience pain that often becomes severe and limits mobility.

Chiropractors use various drug-free treatments to manage arthritis. Responses to chiropractic care can include pain relief, the end of muscle spasms, and an increased range of motion. Pain relief can extend from the arthritic area to other areas affected by poor posture or movement corrections necessary due to the arthritis pain and stiffness.



Coccydynia is pain felt in the coccyx or tailbone region. The pain is often temporary but can become a lifelong issue for some people. People may experience coccydynia from an injury or after giving birth, from remaining seated too long, and as a symptom of illnesses like cancer. Many patients experience extreme discomfort that interrupts their daily lives.

Most people with coccydynia feel a constant dull ache and have additional sharp pains during movement. Chiropractic treatment involves a spinal adjustment and methods that can strengthen and soothe the ligaments, muscles, and other bones and joints.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc diseases are forms of osteoarthritis that cause the cushioning of the discs to wear down and compress the vertebrae. The pressure can also cause the discs to become herniated. Overuse through heavy lifting or bending, a family history of the condition, or unknown reasons may cause the disease.

People with degenerative disc disease often have shoulder pain and pain in the back and neck. In addition, the patient may feel tingling and numbness in the arms and fingers and experience muscle weakness in the arms or back. Chiropractors treat the condition with spinal manipulation, massage, hot or cold therapy, decompression, and other methods.



Fibromyalgia often affects people with rheumatic diseases, depression, or anxiety, but it can develop without any known cause or warning. Women are more likely to experience fibromyalgia, but men and children can also develop the ailment. The symptoms include widespread pain, sleep disorders, and excessive fatigue. In addition, many patients will experience other symptoms like brain fog, light sensitivity, and more.

A custom treatment plan helps alleviate the symptoms the patient experiences. Chiropractic care focuses on pain relief and controlling inflammation. Less pain makes restorative sleep easier, so the patient experiences less fatigue. A misalignment of the neck may cause the start of fibromyalgia symptoms. Manipulation to realign the spine and routine maintenance visits may alleviate the problem.



Tension causes muscle stiffness in the neck that can irritate the joints in the spine. Uncomfortable sleeping positions and sitting with the neck at an awkward angle while watching TV or on a computer can cause similar irritation. The irritation and swelling experienced in the muscles and joints can produce headaches. Dr. Alicia Armitstead may recommend posture changes, exercises, and more to reduce the tension in the neck. Adjustments to the neck and back are also frequently used.

Herniated Discs

Herniated Discs

The structure known as the annulus contains water and collagen fibers that support and stabilize the spine. A herniated disc occurs when the disc pushes through the annulus and presses on the spinal nerves. People may also call this a ruptured, slipped, or bulging disc. Herniated discs can happen from a severe injury or a back strain that develops following repetitive minor injuries.

Some people experience only mild discomfort. Others have severe pain that travels through the body with the nerve. Chiropractic treatment includes stretching the spine to encourage the disc back into place and manipulation to align the disc.

Joint Pain

Joint Pain

Arthritis causes most joint pain, but other causes like injury, posture, or an uneven gait can also be the culprit. People with these complaints often have stiffness and swelling accompanying the pain in the affected joint. Chiropractic treatments can eliminate discomfort for many people.

Treatment methods include manipulation, massage, and other soft tissue treatments. Avoiding future pain frequently relies on correcting behaviors like standing or sitting in a hunched position or avoiding movements that cause the pain. Additional therapeutic solutions include magnetic field therapy, hot or cold therapy, and laser or ultrasound treatments.

Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee pain not caused by illness or disease may begin after an injury or overuse of the joint. Excess weight can strain the knee and cause discomfort and swelling. Frequent kneeling, high-impact exercise, and a fall that injures the knee can cause inflammation, pain, and difficulty walking.

Manipulation to resolve knee pain may focus on the spine and other joints to reduce the strain a misalignment places on the knee. Dietary changes and exercise can help people shed extra weight and strengthen and stretch their muscles. Eating plans focused on wellness nourish the body for faster healing and less inflammation.

Leg Pain

Leg Pain

Leg aches and pains can begin from injury, overuse, or aging. The pain felt in the leg often occurs because of back issues causing pressure on the nerves. Pain that starts at the hip and travels down one leg may occur because of pressure on the sciatic nerve in the back. Poor circulation through the legs can also cause discomfort and inflammation.

Adjustments to the back and the joints in the legs can improve circulation and alleviate the pressure on the nerves. Exercise, massage, and many other treatments help reduce injury pain, strengthen the muscles, and stabilize the joints to avoid any future discomfort.

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

Pain in the lower back can start suddenly from an injury like a car accident or other trauma, but many people experience the problem when twisting or lifting incorrectly. Sedentary lifestyles and desk jobs cause pain that develops slowly but can become as severe as any traumatic injury. The pain and restricted movement can range from mildly bothersome to excruciating.

Chiropractic adjustments offer a natural and effective method for relieving lower back pain without medication. A realignment of the spine can also reduce the strain on the surrounding muscles so they can provide better support to lower the risk of another injury.



Every headache causes problems for the sufferer, but migraines are exceptionally debilitating. Migraine sufferers often experience intense throbbing on one side of the head with accompanying sensitivity to sound, smells, and light. Many people with migraines will feel nauseated and may experience dizziness, vision disturbances, and other symptoms.

There are numerous suspected causes of migraines, and this can make them challenging to treat. Chiropractors offer extensive treatment options to find the solution for their patients. Some options for migraine patients are massage, spinal alignment, dietary changes, and posture correction.

Muscle Pain

Muscle Pain

The causes of muscle pain include tension, muscle overuse, and injuries. The pain may affect one muscle or section of the body or become a widespread complaint. The discomfort may feel like a dull ache or cause sharp, shooting pains. Inflammation, tingling, and numbness often accompany muscle pain.

Some people may also experience muscle weakness, or their muscles may feel fatigued after any use. The pain can be a constant problem or arise only when making a specific movement. Treatment depends on the cause of the pain. Alignments can reduce stress on the muscles and nerves. Soft tissue therapies relieve pain and improve the ease of movement by relaxing the muscles in the affected area and reducing inflammation.

Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Complaints about neck pain occur more frequently today as people spend many hours with their heads locked in one position as they stare at computer screens and other devices. People with neck pain will usually have reduced movement in the neck and may have muscle spasms in the neck, back, and shoulders.

Problems in the neck can also cause chronic headaches. Chiropractic services offer a safe and effective method of eliminating neck pain. Spinal manipulations, soft tissue therapy, and modifications in daily habits help most patients.



Osteoarthritis affects millions of people. The condition causes pain and inflammation in the joints as the body ages. The problem may begin from overuse of the affected area, an old injury, or heredity. The condition usually worsens as people age. It can become severe enough to stop the patient from completing typical daily activities. Most people with osteoarthritis will experience stiffness, inflammation, and pain and have mobility challenges as the disease progresses.

Healing Arts NYC offers a wide range of treatment options that benefit osteoarthritis patients. The reduced pain and improved mobility the treatments provide can help people stay active. Daily physical activities keep the body strong to help slow the condition's progression.

Pinched Nerves

Pinched Nerves

Pinched nerves occur when a nerve is compressed or irritated, usually by other tissue such as bone, cartilage, muscle, or a herniated disc. Treatment for a pinched nerve can include rest, medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. We may recommend adjustments to the spine and other soft tissue to help relieve the compression and irritation of the nerve. The time taken to heal from a pinched nerve will depend on the cause and severity of the injury. Generally speaking, it can take several days to weeks for the pain and symptoms to resolve.

Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome causes sciatic pain when the piriformis muscle becomes inflamed and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve running adjacent to it. The inflammation and irritation can cause numbness in the buttocks and shooting pain down the back and buttocks and into the leg.

The pain often becomes severe, and people may experience muscle spasms and difficulty sitting on one of their buttocks. The condition may begin due to injury, carrying a wallet in a back pocket, foot problems, pregnancy, and many other reasons. We use stretching, exercise, massage, and other treatments to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.



Chiropractors can provide safe, non-invasive relief for conditions that pregnant women might experience. Adjustments to the spine and soft tissue can help reduce back pain, improve circulation, and relieves joint and muscle tension during pregnancy. A pregnant woman should see a chiropractor as early as possible in their pregnancy to avoid potential health issues and ensure discomfort or pain is managed safely.

Sacroiliac Pain

Sacroiliac Pain

Sacroiliac pain, or sacroiliitis, causes lower back and buttock pain and stiffness that may radiate down the legs. The sacroiliac joints can become irritated or injured by excessive sitting, running, stair climbing, or having uneven legs. Spinal alignments often relieve this pain, but patients with extreme pain may need hot or cold therapy or other soft tissue treatments to reduce the inflammation in the area.

Reducing the inflammation will alleviate discomfort and allow the doctor to perform the spinal alignment needed. Recommendations for at-home exercises and stretching regimens help avoid the return of the pain.



Sciatica is any pain that affects the sciatic nerve in the lower back. The pain usually occurs on one side of the body, extending from the lower back to the lower leg. However, it can also happen in a smaller area anywhere between these two spots.

People may feel a constant dull aching sensation or a sharp pain that feels like an electric shock. The pain may intensify when the individual remains in one position for too long. Sudden movements, like when coughing or sneezing, can aggravate the area. Exercise, nutritional plans, and manipulation help many patients. We can use additional treatments depending on what the patient needs.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can start after overuse of the arms and shoulders, following an injury, and because of conditions like arthritis or bursitis. Stiffness and locking of the shoulder may accompany the pain. Some people may feel muscle weakness or tingling and numbness in their shoulder or arm.

Severe injuries like a broken bone or a dislocated joint may cause pain even after the original problem heals. Chiropractic manipulation can help with alignments and relieve pressure on the nerves, muscles, and tendons. The patient may also need to perform at-home therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles and boost circulation for continued pain relief and more mobility.

Slipped Discs

Slipped Discs

Slipped discs are also called herniated discs. An injury or repetitive movement can cause a disc to rupture the sac around the vertebrae that cushions and provides stability for the spine. When out of place, the disc will cause pressure on the spinal nerves.

Some patients experience mild, constant backaches, and others have severe stabbing pain. The discomfort can remain localized in the back or cause pain anywhere in the body the affected nerve travels. Chiropractors will use stretching and manipulation to get the disc back in place and may recommend other treatments like magnetic therapy to treat inflammation in the surrounding muscles.

Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can affect professional or amateur athletes and anyone who performs physical labor. The injuries often affect the shoulders, elbows, knees, and ankles. All joints are at risk when people participate in high-impact activities involving spontaneous and fast movements. Sports injuries typically cause reduced mobility, pain, inflammation, and numbness or tingling.

Healing Arts NYC has multiple options for treating this type of injury. Infrared saunas, magnetic field therapy, massage, and stretching can improve flexibility, increase the rate of muscle recovery after a strenuous workout, and reduce discomfort. In addition, the doctor may suggest new workout programs to strengthen the areas surrounding or support the injured joint to help it heal faster and reduce the risk of re-injury. Dr. Armitstead may also recommend hot or cold therapies, manipulation, and nutritional counseling.

Upper Back Pain

Upper Back Pain

Repetitive motions, poor posture, injuries, and stress can cause upper back pain. The pain can feel like a consistent dull ache that worsens into a sharp pain with some movements. It may also become more noticeable when breathing deeply, or it can make taking a deep breath difficult.

Even just touching the upper back could cause the pain to intensify. Our treatment will most likely begin with a spinal adjustment to remove the pressure on the surrounding nerves. Massage treatments help boost circulation in the area for additional healing in the soft tissue. Exercises to strengthen the upper back and posture changes are preventative steps to avoid re-injury.



Whiplash is a neck injury most associated with car accidents. The problem occurs when the head moves forward and back quickly and forcefully. Anything that causes this movement, like a sports injury or a fall, can result in whiplash. Most people recover in a few days or weeks with rest, but chronic long-term pain needs treatment.

Relaxation techniques, acupressure, adjustments, and stretching can help alleviate whiplash pain. Undiagnosed issues, like a herniated disc or mild shoulder dislocation, may also worsen or extend the healing process for whiplash. Trigger point therapy and electrical stimulation are additional options for patients struggling to find relief.

Healing Arts primarily concerned with locating and treating vertebral subluxations. A vertebral subluxation is a complex of functional and/or structural and/or pathological articular (joint) changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health.

At Healing Arts, we use Applied Kinesiology to check the patient’s spine for any misalignments, fixations or other abnormalities (vertebral subluxations). If subluxations or other abnormalities are detected, the chiropractor will generally apply a gentle force in a corrective manner to the affected spinal area using their hands or an activator.


The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Short-term and regular chiropractic can offer a number of benefits including but not limited to:

  • spinal and extremity pain relief
  • headache relief
  • increased mobility and range of motion
  • decreased stiffness and muscular spasms
  • arthritic joint pain relief
  • increased joint health
  • increased performance and energy
  • increased sense of well being and relaxation
  • increased balance and coordination
  • reduced degeneration and risk of injury
  • enhanced tissue healing
  • decreased tissue inflammation
Contact Manhattan Chiropractor, Dr. Alicia Armitstead of the Healing Arts NYC Health and Wellness Center

Contact Manhattan Chiropractor, Dr. Alicia Armitstead of the Healing Arts NYC Health and Wellness Center

As a leading NYC Chiropractor, I use many specialized techniques to identify and treat these spinal abnormalities and optimize overall health. In addition to spinal adjustive techniques, soft tissue techniques, physical therapies, and lifestyle modification programs are commonly employed.

Please contact us today!

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