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The High Libido Diet

You need to know that food can reduce testosterone in men and both testosterone and estrogen in women, diminish sex drive, reduce sensitivity, and alter sperm production. The good news is that it can also do the exact opposite. Bottom line: what you eat affects your sex life. So, let's learn how to use food to your advantage.

-Dr. Alicia Armitstead

The High Libido Diet. Dietary Health Tips To Avoid and Follow For An Improved Libido by Dr. Alicia Armitstead

Dietary Health Tips To Avoid and Follow For An Improved Libido

Let me introduce to you the high libido diet. What does that mean? It means food plays a part in your sex drive. Unfortunately, when patients come to me wanting to increase their sex drive, they don't come walking in asking for the high libido diet, even though someday they might. But for now, it's almost a secondary thing for people to want help with.

They come in, and their chief complaint is their inability to sleep, they want to lose weight, digestive issues, etc., and then it's like, 'Oh, yeah, and my libido, you know, if you could help with that, great, but I am in my 50s, and it is what it is'. We have a stigma in this society that as we age, it's okay if our libido gets weaker.

We chalk it up to getting older.

Sometimes, patients don't even mention it because they don't see it as a problem, so now I have it on my medical history questionnaire: decreased libido - never, rarely, sometimes, almost always. How patients answer that question gives me tons of information because how one's libido is can give me insight into mental and emotional health, blood circulation, and hormone issues. What you need to know is as we age, even if a weaker libido is common, it isn't normal. There is hope! And changing your diet can help.

You need to know that food can reduce testosterone in men and both testosterone and estrogen in women, diminish sex drive, reduce sensitivity, and alter sperm production. The good news is that it can also do the exact opposite. Bottom line: what you eat affects your sex life. So, let's learn how to use food to your advantage.

After muscle testing so many patients throughout the years, I have seen trends in foods and supplements that help and certain foods that interfere with having a good libido. So first, I'm going to share with you the most common things that people muscle test weak for, so these are things to avoid. So, if you are taking notes, put a big "Foods To Avoid" on top. Please keep what I am about to say with "Foods To Add." Otherwise, you will have a very upset lover.

Foods To Avoid for a High Libido

#1 Avoid Soy - Soybeans are very rich in several nutrients, including protein and vitamins A and B. They can be found in various forms: soy milk, tofu, and miso, as well as in many processed foods. Eaten in excessive quantity, soy can lower testosterone levels. Soybeans also decrease libido because they contain traces of anti-thyroid factors. The thyroid regulates sexual desire, activity, and fertility. A Japanese diet rich in soybean products is also high in seaweeds, which are thyroid-stimulating.

#2 Avoid Oysters - Oysters are poisoning your sex drive! Here's the thing: oysters are considered an aphrodisiac because they're very high in Zinc, which is a libido booster. However, although people have been slurping down raw oysters practically forever, thinking they're a sexual superfood, they're actually toxic. While you can get oysters from comparably healthy places, realize that they're absorbing all the parasites and toxic substances in the ocean – and they go straight into your body, which cancels out the enhancing properties of Zinc.

#3 Avoid Sugar - So, if you are out on a date and you think you want to get some later, you may want to skip dessert because when the sugar crash happens, you are going to feel tired. Instead, go home and go straight to bed.

#4 Avoid Alcohol - Alcohol decreases testosterone, which is the backbone of the male sex drive but is also important for women's sex drive as well. Alcohol also makes it hard for men to achieve an erection, and when we are intoxicated, our sense of touch is not as sensitive. Stick to one or two drinks to avoid these effects.

#5 Avoid Plastic - Phthalates in plastic interfere with the production of sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. They make plastic soft and are present in BPA-free plastic, so it is best to stay away from all plastic as much as possible.

Foods To Add To Your Diet For A High Libido

#1 Zinc - Adding Zinc to your diet may improve the body's natural levels of testosterone. And if you think testosterone is only for men, think again. Studies show that women with a greater sex drive have higher levels of testosterone. A quarter-cup serving of raw pumpkin seeds may do the trick. Other sources high in Zinc are liver, grass-fed beef, oatmeal, and onions.

#2 Saffron - Saffron contains a chemical that makes the whole body, especially sexual organs, more sensitive to the touch for both men and women. It is the spice that makes white rice into yellow rice. You can also use it in broths. Not only does saffron appear to have aphrodisiac properties, but it also helps with anxiety, insomnia, PMS, and insulin resistance.

#3 Ginseng - Ginseng stimulates the adrenal cortex, which is involved in producing sex hormones.

#4 Arginine - Arginine is an amino acid that opens up blood vessels to increase blood flow. This increase in blood flow is how Viagra works. So arginine is the natural Viagra, but arginine is not only for men but also for women, for women suffer from the same type of insufficient genital blood flow that causes impotence in men. It is with better genital blood flow that women have better lubrication, more sensitivity, and increased ease, frequency, and intensity of orgasm. The best way to increase your arginine intake is in supplement form.

#5 Omega-3s - The omega-3s in fatty fish are great for improving circulation and essential for boosting blood flow to your genitals. They can also raise dopamine (feel-good) levels in the brain - a major precursor to getting in the mood. Just ensure your brand is from a reputable company so the omega-3s from fish are mercury-free. I use the Tuna Omega-3 Oil from brand Standard Process in my office.

#6 Avocados - Another good, healthy fat is avocados. The Aztecs used avocados as an aphrodisiac to improve testicular health. Just like the omega-3s, avocados have good vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that are especially beneficial to your heart. With better heart health, you have better blood flow to the genitalia.

#7 Raw Honey - Raw honey also contributes to testosterone and estrogen hormone production, making it beneficial for both sexes. Buy raw, organic honey from local sources whenever possible. And if you want to splurge, manuka honey. It is expensive but very, very medicinal.

#8 Chocolate - So, how else can you eat your way to a better sex life? Well, everyone's favorite is chocolate. A single square of 70% dark chocolate stimulates your brain to produce the chemical dopamine - the "feel good" hormone that affects your mood. This way, you can get in the mood. Make sure the sugar used in the dark chocolate is not refined but coconut sugar, agave, or stevia. You can also make your own using raw organic honey and have an excellent libido!

Try these diet adjustments and see how they work for you. If the problem still exists, please get in touch with me for a muscle testing evaluation, as you may have a more severe health condition that should be addressed.

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