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How To Make A Strong Nervous System for a Healthy Body by Dr. Alicia Armitstead

"You know something is off. You want to get back to feeling yourself, so maybe you exercise, sleep, and eat more salads, but nothing seems to help. This is what I call a stuck nervous system. Either you can't do the things that will help you feel better, or you are doing them but still don't feel better because the nervous system is stuck." 

- Dr. Alicia Armitstead

How To Make A Strong Nervous System for a Healthy Body by Dr. Alicia Armitstead

Our lives are made of good days and bad days. Some days, we feel on top of the world and can conquer anything, while other days, we feel slapped in the face by circumstances outside our control, and it takes everything we have to get through the day. Then there are days when we aren't feeling like ourselves, and there is no particular reason for it. The stress may have been too high for too long. We feel irritable, easily overwhelmed, have difficulty making decisions, or have the blues. 

It's not severe enough to call it anxiety or depression, but you know something is off. You want to get back to feeling yourself, so maybe you exercise, sleep, and eat more salads, but nothing seems to help. Perhaps you're too overwhelmed even to start taking better care of yourself. This is what I call a stuck nervous system. Either you can't do the things that will help you feel better, or you are doing them but still don't feel better because the nervous system is stuck. 


When I say nervous system, I mean how the brain communicates with the body. The problem is not in the brain or the nerves but in how they interact, causing the 'off feeling.' Besides supporting the nervous system to help people feel better, we want the adrenals, thyroid, and heart to be balanced. Those three organs are so highly affected by the nervous system that they must be strong and healthy to feel better.


If the nervous system does not get the proper support, the adrenals, thyroid, and/or heart start compensating and working too hard. One symptom of the nervous system being stuck is fatigue. I wouldn't say all fatigue is due to a weak nervous system, but a certain type of fatigue is when you are tired during the day but don't sleep well at night. We call this wired but tired. Other symptoms of a stuck nervous system are:


  • Moody
  • Heart palpitations
  • Lack of motivation
  • Feeling restless
  • Headaches
  • Upset easily


If the nervous system continues not being addressed, it will get worse, and anxiety and depression will set in.

My daughter had test anxiety that took a while for me to see. Finally, at 13 years old, she explains in detail how she feels while taking a test, and I explain to her that it's anxiety due to having to take a test. So I asked her to think about the last test she took while I muscle tested her, and the supplement that helped her weak nervous system go strong was Min tran.

It's a mineral supplement that helps balance the nervous system. When we are stressed, the body uses up its minerals; if we don't replenish them, the nervous system can get stuck. Getting muscle tested for the correct mineral supplement is part of supporting your nervous system. 

The heart also needs to be supported when the nervous system is stuck. If it's not supported, heart palpitations, chest pain, and fatigue set in. The HeartMath Institute researches how important it is to have the heart and brain neurologically working together to have less stress on the body.

Standard Process Min-Tran
Standard Process Tuna Omega-3 Oil

They have ten techniques to help you retrain your nervous system to operate physically, mentally, and emotionally in a state of greater harmony. It's also essential to support the heart with the proper nutrition. A good omega supplement helps the heart and the nervous system, for the brain comprises 60% fat. 

Healthy Thyroid Function

Imagine eating a kale salad daily isn't good for your thyroid health. How can kale not be a healthy dietary choice?

The issue isn't with the kale but the routine. Eating kale daily can negatively affect your thyroid health because kale has a naturally occurring compound called goitrogens. Consumed in excess, goitrogens can have a negative effect on your thyroid gland. 

If you have any thyroid condition, do not eat raw goitrogenic foods. Goitrogenic foods are broccoli, cabbage, kale, collard greens, mustard greens, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, radishes, kohlrabi, turnips, daikon, and rutabaga.


The thyroid functions much like a data center for the body, keeping the body in homeostasis. The whole body gets thrown off when the nervous system stresses the thyroid. The adrenal glands pump out excess adrenaline to compensate and power the body, suppressing thyroid hormone output. Stress reduces thyroid activity to conserve energy for the "fight or flight" situation. 

It's okay if the stress is temporary, but we get in trouble with chronic stress and constant thyroid suppression. If it gets out of balance to such an extreme, it can lead to many problems. I've seen thyroid illness be a precursor to chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis.


You want to stay away from soy and soy-containing foods for a healthy thyroid. Soy interferes with the thyroid in two ways. It's a goitrogenic food containing isoflavones that impede thyroid activity. Isoflavones do this by inhibiting an enzyme called thyroid peroxidase. We need this enzyme to create thyroid hormones. Getting muscle tested to see if soy suppresses your thyroid and stresses out your body is important for optimal health.


On an empty stomach, try drinking celery juice. It may help you. I muscle test all my patients who need to support their nervous system with celery juice to see if it will support them. I first came across the idea of consuming celery juice in this manner from Anthony Williams. Celery and celery juice contain compounds called coumarins, which are known to relax the nervous system. 

Celery juice also enhances the activity of white blood cells and supports the vascular system. It is also known to help purify the bloodstream, aid in digestion, reduce blood pressure, and clear up skin problems, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis, because it's a very alkaline food. Alkaline foods help purge the body of acid and toxins and clean the liver and bloodstream, besides relaxing you. 


It would be best to have strong, healthy adrenal glands to support a robust, healthy nervous system. If the nervous system wants to work harder because it feels threatened, the adrenal glands need to produce more adrenaline to keep the nervous system on alert. The nervous system, being on high alert, is only made for short periods, like 12 hours. If the stress continues, you will have difficulty sleeping, and you might even feel heart palpitations. Heart palpitations are never due to a heart problem but a nervous system problem. 


The body can keep this high-alert state of the nervous system up for about three days. If the stress continues past this, then adrenal fatigue starts setting in. The immune system starts to weaken, and it can be hard to get out of bed in the morning, even after a good night's sleep, because the adrenal glands are too tired to make the cortisol you need in the morning to feel awake. Adrenal fatigue is also noticeable between 2 pm-4 pm. It's that afternoon slump.


Ways to keep the adrenal glands strong and avoid that afternoon slump are to have your food be as organic as possible and avoid preservatives, artificial ingredients, and added hormones in meat. Eating lean protein with each meal also helps the adrenal glands. Foods that support the adrenal glands are beef, tuna, oats, turkey, Brazil nuts, bananas, and potatoes. 


Besides supporting the nervous system and organs with the right nutrition, PEMF therapy also helps to reset the nervous system. PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency. It's a mat you lay on that gives your body energy. It helps recharge at the cellular level and reset the nervous system. This can help with fatigue, chronic pain, boosting the immune system, arthritis, blood pressure, and general circulation. The PEMF mat calms the nervous system and supplies more blood flow to the whole body.


The body is an electrical system. A healthy person has a charge of 70 to 100 millivolts. Aging, stress, poor diet, and environmental factors may decrease this voltage. A person with 30 to 50 millivolts is likely to experience chronic illness. People with less than 15 to 20 millivolts are subject to Cancer. It's no coincidence that the human heart, the most positively charged organ in the human body, never becomes cancerous. Your body's electrical charge has significant consequences for your health.


When emotional stress hits, of course, the nervous system feels it. With the proper nutrition and emotional support, the nervous system should be able to stabilize. If you feel emotional stress is why your nervous system is stuck, we will muscle test you for our Emotional Release Technique. We use this technique when negative emotions get stuck in the body and must be released. Once the negative emotion is identified through muscle testing, magnets reset the nervous system and release the stuck emotions. Stuck emotions equals a stuck nervous system, so the Emotional Release technique is another way to support the nervous system. 


Sometimes, when emotional stress hits the nervous system, and the nervous system can't stabilize, it's not due to a stuck emotion in the body but a subconscious belief that is in the way of our minds being able to relax. If your mind can't relax, then neither can your nervous system. The mind will keep the nervous system stuck in fight or flight. Psych-K is the muscle testing technique to identify what subconscious beliefs might be getting in your way. The subconscious is the part of the brain that runs the show. It is a hundred times faster than your conscious brain, and we act on it without knowing it. Psych-K helps when your mind keeps racing, and it's hard to focus or sleep at night. It also helps if you wake up with anxiety or have obsessive thoughts you can't control. 


When emotionally stressed, we also have at our Medicinal Tea Bar emotional tea blends. Herbs are medicinal, and having a cup of tea can be very soothing to the nervous system. I created four emotional tea blends to help stimulate the emotions of joy, peace, and love, and I hope to leave you feeling better and your nervous system more balanced no matter what you are going through. 

I sincerely enjoy bringing these blogs to you to help you educate your way to an improved and maintained healthy lifestyle. Please contact me, if you have any specific questions related to your needs.

Dr. Alicia Armitstead

Healing Arts NYC

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